Turramurra High School - Class of 1981
This site is for students who were in Year 12 at Turramurra High School in 1981, or would have been if they'd stayed until the end. So that includes all who were in Year 10 in 1979.
Next Reunion
The next reunion is very likely to be the 50th anniversary in 2031, but there's some discussion about possibly having a 45th anniversary reunion in 2026.
We're on Facebook
The site was created in the days before Facebook to help ex-students stay in touch and see what everyone's doing.
Facebook has largely replaced the need for this site, and it hasn't been updated for many years. But it's still valuable as a historical record, and so it remains for now.
The best way for us to reach you with details of future reunions is by email.
Please enter your information here to be informed about future reunions.
We will never use your details for marketing or any other purpose other than informing you about Turramurra High School reunion events.
Keep in touch with us and be informed of upcoming events
If you have any problems submitting information, please contact us.
40 Year Reunion 2022
Photos and video from the night will soon be available to be viewed by registered ex-students.
30 Year Reunion 2011
Photos and video from the night are available to be viewed by registered ex-students.
In order to see any information about students, you will need to become a member of the site. There is no charge for this. It is just to ensure that information about ex-students is seen only by ex-students.
If you're an ex-student of Turramurra High School and you were in Year 10 in 1979 or Year 12 in 1981 you can register to see the web site.
Registered Ex-students enter here
Missing Persons
There's a large list of people that we haven't been able to contact.
Please , check the list. Perhaps you'll know one of them and you can help us to contact them about the planned reunion.
This web site was created long before we were using the Internet on our mobile phones. All but one of the pages have been modified to be mobile-friendly.